It good but there isnt enough
Here are my ideas. and trust me it will be long and some of my ideas will branch off of some other of my ideas.
1. When you go to the store screen utilize the whole screen so we dont have to switch to another section to see the rest of the guns.
2. Have upgrades to the person himself, like better accuracy, better movement speed, better endurance, longer rage time, and fast fire rate (to all weapons but effects are not as great as upgrading the weapon themselves)
3. Every 5 waves or so change the arena to something new like an abandoned city, inside a hospital, ect... Note each new place has new/more spawn areas.
4. More weapons. Have more of each, instead of having 1 type of pistol have like the beratta, the glock, ect. have the different variety of weapons that are of the same class. Also add melee weapons, which would be what a survivor would first have. I will mention what the Survivors are later.
5. At the end of a level have something like "hours" until zombie attack, and with those hours you can spend time to rest (heal) your guy(s), or find survivors and when those "hours" are up all you can do left is buy/upgrade your guns and continue to the next wave.
6. Have a longer soundtrack as the one you have is kinda short and is too repetitive.
7. Before I mentioned every 5 waves change the area I should also mention that each new area also varies in size.
8. Have some doodads to spiffy up the areas.
9. Above I mentioned survivors. My idea with this is you can have a max of like 4 other survivors and they would have some A.I. That would allow them to smartly move about the area and attack zombies.
10. Along with #9. You could be able to customize the survivors as far as what weapon they use so long as you have unlocked it and are not using it yourself and/or nobody else is using it.
11. Along with #9. The survivors would act differently from one another. They would all have a weapons class they would be better with and would have a minor perk that assists that weapons class when equipped with a weapon of the right class, besides that they all would have their own stats, so in other words 1 guy would move faster than another but the slower guy would deal more damage. Along with their stats no survivor would have the same HP they would all differ. (Make sure that there are different images for the survivors and that not every survivor is a male. This would make it better and more detailed)
12. The players guy and the survivors would level up and depending on their "Lifestyle" their stats would go up differently.
13. Mentioned above I talked about "Lifestyles". Every survivor and yourself would have a lifestyle that effects ones stats. Like a Rugged lifestyle increases HP and damage more when leveled up.
14. With alot of what I mentioned. before you start the game you would get to customize the player before playing. Like selection of gender, what the character looks like, and their lifestyle. Also the starting weapon would be different depending on the lifestyle.
15. I dont know yet how many waves this game has but if its not make it like 60 waves. and add a storyline of some sort. If you add alot of my ideas to a sequel or an update. I want the game to be nice a big, so big that we cant go through it in 1 sitting.
16. Along with #16 add a save feature of up to 3 slots so we dont have to sit through it all.
Im sure I have more ideas but im running out of character spaces. so ill stop here. After reading over my ideas I feel I pulled alot of these ideas from various games of various genres but I say it all of them would make this game more detailed and better. And Im sure I gave ya the most input out of anyone else here and I would like to hear what you gotta say about my ideas. AND Im not dissing your game in anyway with my ideas, I think the game is fun but could have more.
And with the little space for writting I have left I should also say that when you kill a zombie make their corpse stay for awhile and not suddenly disappear.