More original than what Ive seen and really good!
you should totally make a sequel to this.
In the sequel you need way more upgrades.
My ideas are.
1. Bumpers that besides increasing damage resistance, also deal more damage so we if we head on a mutated zombie, then it dies.
2. More than 3 levels per upgrade, 5 seems like it would be better.
3. Make Engine upgrade increase speed more. Even at max upgrade everything still felt as if it took forever!
4. More zombie varieties.
5. Make it so we can pick 1 of X amount of cars to start with. Like each car would have its own base stats.
6. Add Forks in the roads. It gets tiring going down 1 long road bashing zombies, add forks that could lead to off roads (harder to steer), Higher infested roads, ect...
7. A way to take our hand with the gun and bring it out the door and point at the zombie instead of smashing our window trying to kill the zombie thats on our hood.
8. Place the monitor that shows us whats ahead of us somewhere at the bottom on like tv screen sort of thing instead of taking up the top half of the screen.
9. For better horn upgrades instead of it getting deeper sounding make them into funny car horns like the mexican hat dance horn. I think that horn would get more attention than the other 3 horns.
10. Add a way to customize the paint job of the vehicle.
11. Where the heck was the rear-view mirror or the side mirrors???
12. Make it so we can buy better vehicles. Ranging from dumpster trucks that take a hell lot of hits and is slow, A motorcycle with is highly vunerable, but super fast, and Speedy cars like the mustang, ect...