I like it.
I like but I dont like how your ripping off explosm's flash style.
I like it.
I like but I dont like how your ripping off explosm's flash style.
Hmmm I can understand why you think I am, however, this has nothing to do with Cyanide & Happiness. It's a matter of what is faster to produce... Stick figures my friend.
I do love me some Cyanide & Happiness though - and can't deny some influence.
You seem to be pumping these animations out fast!
(This review was deleted and I dont know why, It seems pointless to delete this review)
its ok
Why does the guy not have any pants on?
I wouldnt be surprised
I wouldnt be suprised to see this on the front page.
Although I dont want it on the front page ONLY because i just seen it and I like seeing stuff I havent seen on the front page.
I doubt it'll make it up there haha. But thank you for watching and leaving a comment. I appreciate it :)
Its not called being a troll
On kongregate I have been working to replace the term "Troll" into "MANBEARPIG" Of course who wouldnt want to be a MANBEARPIG?
that is too off topic. and you dont even know what im talking about, this guy got all butthurt yesterday, because he didnt like my flash style.
and manbearpig? that sounds retarded, 1/10 for unorigionality, southparkfag
Its good
I have a suggestion if you make a new one. If you do a new one you should not only have pictures but also colors morphing into things.
suggestion noted
ha ha ha
sex scene was hilarious
(Even Though I Had to check it, I HAVE NOT AND WILL NOT read and understand the guidelinds for posting reviews to newgrounds) :P
Wow Driving while intoxicated does help save people! Atleast until you hit a wall... And forgot the ice...
good series, but
you would get higher ratings if it was in english and no dubs. if you can write in english surely you can speak it fluently enough.
Age 45, Male
Obviously Not Behind You.
Joined on 9/25/09